Your Questions Answered: PBS Vehicle Approvals (VA)
Performance-Based Standards (PBS) are a set of regulations that focus on the safety and efficiency of heavy vehicles by assessing their performance. Where a PBS Design Approval (DA) demonstrates that a concept design meets PBS standards, a PBS Vehicle Approval (VA) confirms that the physical vehicle matches the design in the DA.
To help clarify the VA process, we have put together the following FAQ which aims to provide straightforward information for those in the industry.

Photo credit: Arends Trailers
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
How do I get a PBS Vehicle Approval?
To obtain a PBS Vehicle Approval, you will first need to access a PBS Design Approval (DA) for the combination you wish to operate. PBS DAs can be owned by the operators, manufacturers, or PBS assessors. We recommend you speak to either your trailer manufacturer or PBS assessor to discuss whether you should use a pre-existing PBS DA or create a new one for your vehicle.
Once you have a DA to use, you should contact a PBS certifier to arrange for an inspection of your combination. A PBS certifiers role is to ensure that your combination complies with the relevant DA. Provided the vehicle complies with the specifications of the DA, the certifier will then submit an inspection report to the NHVR who will issue a PBS Vehicle Approval (VA) for your combination.
A list of PBS certifiers can be found here.
How do I add units to existing PBS Vehicle Approvals?
To add units to your PBS VA, you should engage a PBS certifier. A list of PBS certifiers can be found here.
How do I transfer a PBS Vehicle Approval?
A VA transfer can be performed via the NHVR’s website. The transfer of a PBS VA may be required when:
- An existing PBS combination/s is purchased, and you need to transfer it to a new operator or legal entity.
- You are transferring a combination/s from an existing PBS VA onto a new PBS VA.
FYI, as of 14 November 2022, PBS VAs no longer display the operator name on the front page. A VA is now an authorisation to the vehicles listed in it, regardless of who owns or operates them.
Who can apply for a PBS Vehicle Approval?
VAs can only be applied for by registered PBS certifiers. PBS certifiers are experienced and qualified tradespeople or engineers. They are responsible for inspecting vehicles and confirming that the built vehicle meets the design requirements specified in the DA.
Can I use a different certifier when adding units?
Yes. You may use a different certifier when adding units to your PBS VA, you are not locked into a single certifier.
Do I still need a permit to operate?
Depending on your combination and which state(s) you operate in, there may already be gazetted PBS networks which you can access without the need for permits.
If you do not meet the requirements to access a gazetted network or wish to operate on roads or at masses not listed, you will need to apply for a permit for road access. To apply for an access permit, visit the NHVR Portal. You must supply a route ID when applying for an access permit. Use the Route Planner to obtain your route ID, which you can do as part of the permit application process in the NHVR Portal.
Some examples of popular gazetted PBS networks are:
National Class 2 PBS Level 1 and 2A Truck and Dog Trailer Authorisation Notice 2022
- Applicable to ACT, NSW, QLD, SA, TAS, VIC
- This replaces the need for permits for eligible truck and dog combinations. Permits are still required to access roads that are not part of the road-manager-approved PBS networks.
National Class 2 Performance Based Standards (Tier 1) Authorisation Notice 2022
- Applicable to ACT, NSW, SA, TAS, VIC
- This notice provides eligible Tier 1 Performance Based Standards (PBS) vehicles with immediate access to relevant PBS networks across Australia to operate on approved networks without the need of a permit as soon as a Vehicle Approval is issued, although this may be at a restricted mass. We can help you calculate your Tier 1 mass here.
National Class 2 Performance Based Standards (High Productivity) Authorisation Notice 2022
- Applicable to NSW, VIC
- This notice provides PBS combinations which fit within template vehicle designs access to networks at Tier 3 masses.
The NHVR’s Performance Based Standards vehicle access permit site is also very helpful in navigating PBS access.
Do I need to apply for new permits?
If you add units with non-identical footprints to your VA, then yes, you will need to reapply for permits using the new VA. Your existing permits, which reference the old VA (and the units listed on them), are still useable.
An identical footprint means a combination with axle spacings identical to existing combinations.
Will my existing road access permits be affected by changes to my PBS Vehicle Approval?
If you add units with non-identical footprints to your VA, then a new VA, with a different reference number, will be generated. Your permits will need to be updated to reference the new VA number if you wish to use the added units.
That said, your existing permits, which reference the old VA (and the units listed on them), are still valid and can be used in the meantime.
More information on this can be found here.
What if my combination differs from the Design Approval?
If your combination does not meet all the dimensions and specifications allowed for on PBS DA, the PBS assessor of the DA must be engaged to confirm that all PBS standards can still be met.
In cases where the non-conformance is relatively small, an Assessor Sign-Off (ASO) may be used to show that the as-built combination still meets all PBS standards. ASOs are relatively inexpensive with generally quick turnaround times (typically within 5 business days at Advantia).
In some cases, where the level of non-conformance is quite large, an ASO cannot be used. In these cases, the DA must be changed to cater for the as-built combination. This process is commonly referred to as a variation or amendment. Compared to ASOs, these are typically more expensive with longer turnaround times (typically between 5-10 business days at Advantia).
How long does it take to obtain a PBS Vehicle Approval?
Times taken to issue VAs can vary dramatically. We recommend you speak to your certifier for the most accurate time estimates. That said, listed below is the steps which take place in the approval process, with approximate lead times in brackets.
- PBS Design Approval (2 to 8 weeks)*
- NHVR Design Approval processing (2 to 12 weeks)*
- PBS Certification (2 to 4 weeks)
- If the inspected units do not meet the PBS Design Approval, additional assessment will be required. Allow for an extra 2 to 8 weeks if additional assessment is needed.
- NHVR Vehicle Approval processing (1 to 2 weeks)
* Skip this step if you can already access a suitable PBS Design Approval.

Photo credit: Gooden Ag
What are the ongoing requirements after receiving a PBS Vehicle Approval?
You must continue to comply with the conditions stated on both your PBS DA and VA. All vehicle units that comprise the combination(s) (e.g. prime movers, trailers, dollies, etc.) must be listed on the VA.
The driver must carry a copy of the VA and, if required, an associated access permit.
The driver must also be able to produce readable copies (electronic or hard copy) of the VA and access permit if requested by Authorised Officers.
The driver must be able to identify the specific combination being driven within the VA.
What else do I need to know about?
Operational conditions which apply to your combination will be stipulated in your DA, VA and permit. The following is a compilation of common requirements and conditions.
Axle mass limits
Below is a list of requirements needed to access axle group loads above General Mass Limits (GML).
6.5 tonne on the steer axle
Single steer axles are allowed to up to a 6.5t limit provided the hauling unit complies with the following conditions:
- engine complies with the engine emission standards of Australian Design Rule (ADR) 80/01 (Euro 4) or a later version of ADR 80; and
- front underrun protection device (FUPD) that complies with UN ECE Regulation 93 or ADR 84 fitted; and
- a cabin that complies with UN ECE Regulation 29
7.1 tonne on the steer axle
Single steer axles allowed to up to a 7.1t limit provided the hauling unit complies with the following conditions:
- the hauling unit forms part of a road train
- the steer axle is fitted with tyres with section widths of at least 375 mm
Concessional Mass Limits (CML)
CML allows for mass limits above the national GML provided the combination has the following:
- a National Heavy Vehicle Accreditation Scheme (NHVAS) – Mass Management Accreditation in force for all vehicles listed in the vehicle approval
HML allows for mass limits above CML provided the combination has the following:
- for tandem axles groups, road friendly suspensions
- for tri-axle groups, road friendly suspensions and a National Heavy Vehicle Accreditation Scheme (NHVAS) – Mass Management Accreditation in force for all vehicles listed in the vehicle approval
All PBS combinations must be equipped with anti-lock brake systems on to each unit. The brake systems can be any of:
- EBS (Electronic Braking System)
- ABS (Anti-lock Braking System)
- LPV (Load Proportioning Valve)
Payload Heights
DAs generally specify a maximum allowable payload height so that the combination satisfies PBS stability requirements. These payload heights are listed on the VA, and drivers must ensure they comply with these limits during operation.
Payload Management Procedure (PMP)
For some load types (such as containerised freight) the operator must demonstrate how the final payload heights of the cargo will be managed to comply with the DA. This information, known as a Payload Management Procedure (PMP) must be provided to the NHVR when applying for a Vehicle Approval. A PMP can be created by the operator, certifier or assessor.
Regulatory Telematics
Most PBS vehicles must share road usage information with road managers and government bodies as a condition of access. This involves three Regulatory Telematics Applications: Road Infrastructure Monitoring (RIM), Telematics Monitoring Application (TMA), and the Intelligent Access Program (IAP), which are all overseen by Transport Certification Australia (TCA).
Each application specifies unique requirements for hardware, data reporting, privacy, and operational guidelines. Your needs for IAP, TMA, or RIM will depend on factors such as weight, bridge assessment performance, or specific access conditions. We advise you speak with a certified Application Service Providers (ASPs) who can help you fulfill your telematics requirements by installing and managing the necessary in-vehicle tech.
Safety Features
Some permits and gazettes require additional safety features be fitted to the vehicle before operation. Some examples of these include:
- Autonomous Emergency Braking
- Electronic Stability Control
- Electronic Brake Distribution
- Lane Departure Warning System
- Underrun protection fitted to the front, sides, and rear of the vehicle.
VAs list allowable tyre sizes and minimum load index requirements for each unit in the combination. It is a requirement that operators comply with the approved list of tyre options in the VA.
Vehicle registration
If the towed configuration of your heavy vehicle changes, you may need to update the vehicle(s) registration. For more information, visit the website of your state’s road authority.
Vehicle signage
If the overall length exceeds 22m but does not exceed 30m, a “LONG VEHICLE” sign must be displayed at the rear of the vehicle.
If overall length exceeds 30m, a “ROAD TRAIN” sign must be displayed at the front and rear of the vehicle.
Additional Resources
Access permit application process
Adding Identical-Footprint Vehicles to a PBS Vehicle Approval
Concessional Mass Limits (CML)
National Class 2 PBS Level 1 and 2A Truck and Dog Trailer Authorisation Notice 2022
National Class 2 Performance Based Standards (Tier 1) Authorisation Notice 2022
National Class 2 Performance Based Standards (High Productivity) Authorisation Notice 2022
Performance Based Standards vehicle access permit
Transfer of PBS Vehicle Approvals
For more information or if you have additional questions you would like answered, contact Advantia today.
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