The journey to 30-metre PBS A-Double approval between Melbourne and Helidon
30-metre A-Double access between Melbourne (VIC) and Helidon (QLD) made possible through Performance Base Standards Level 2B networks and Gazetted Road Train routes.
As access for High Productivity Freight Vehicles (HPFV) continues to improve in Australia, Rocky’s Own Transport recently turned to Performance Based Standards (PBS) 30-metre A-Doubles for the transport of chlorine cylinders.

To ensure ongoing A-Double utilisation opportunities were realised, Advantia worked closely with Rocky’s Own Transport and Barker Trailers to develop a design that satisfied VicRoads A-Double reference vehicle requirements for network access and maximised payload, whilst also satisfying NSW minimum axle spacing requirements for road train access. The benefit of designing the A-Double to comply with a published reference vehicle network, is that as the network grows, automatic access is available to operators with permit approval to the network up to 85.5-tonnes.

With Rocky’s Own Transport 30-metre A-Double now in operation the productivity benefits have seen a reduction in the number of B-Double trips to deliver the same freight task. For Rocky’s Own Transport this has meant their A-Double is able to deliver 30 chlorine cylinders instead 24 cylinders using a 26-metre B-Double, a 25% increase in productivity. Therefore, for every 4 A-Double trips, 1 B-Double trip has been eliminated. As funded road projects in Victoria are delivered, this will see Rocky’s Own Transport being able to further improve the productivity of the A-Double by being able to operate at Higher Mass Limits.
Apart from the productivity benefits for Rocky’s Own Transport now and into the future, significant benefits were realised by achieving the access outcomes within 6-months with Advantia taking on the project at the In-Principle Access Support stage and seeing it through to the Permit being issued. This was made possible as a result of Advantia’s knowledge of PBS and Gazetted network access requirements that minimise delays in road manager approval, and our experience with managing access applications and PBS assessments concurrently to achieve successful outcomes for our clients. This is why Advantia is the go-to partner for PBS access.
Have you been thinking about PBS or heavy vehicle access? Contact Advantia to discover opportunities for your business.